Talking Sleep Season 5 | Episode 17
Insufficient sleep, circadian disruption and cardiometabolic health
Dr. Christopher Depner, GUEST
We frequently discuss how insufficient sleep may be harmful to cardiometabolic health, but is this the whole story? How does circadian rhythm misalignment contribute to this relationship? Could a behavioral sleep intervention possibly improve cardiometabolic health? Dr. Chris Depner investigates how insufficient sleep and circadian disruption contribute to the risk of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. His long-term goal is to develop sleep and circadian-based interventions that improve metabolic health. He is here to help us better understand the relationship between insufficient sleep, circadian disruption, and cardiometabolic health.

Dr. Depner investigates how insufficient sleep and circadian disruption contribute to risk of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, with the long-term goal of developing sleep and circadian-based interventions that improve metabolic health. Dr. Depner completed his PhD in Human Nutrition at Oregon State University followed by Postdoctoral work in sleep and circadian physiology under the guidance of Dr. Kenneth Wright at the University of Colorado Boulder.