Free Student/Resident Membership

To support the growth of the sleep medicine physician pipeline and develop tomorrow’s leaders, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) now offers free membership for students and residents. Membership will help students leverage the strength of the AASM community to learn from mentors, make connections, and sharpen their skills.
Qualified students and residents include anyone in formal training, such as medical school, residency, a post-doctoral program, a master’s degree program, a non-sleep medicine fellowship program, a PhD program, or similar program as approved by the Board of Directors. To complete their application, students will need to provide a letter of verification from a program director/registrar verifying their student status.
Student Benefits Include:
- Access to Mentor Match Program
- Welcome to Sleep Medicine webinar series
- Participation in the Early Career Physician Assembly
- Scholarship opportunities
- Access to Compensation Survey
- Discounted registration to Annual SLEEP Meeting
- And much more
With free membership and lots of benefits, the AASM is a great investment to launch your career in sleep medicine!