The following links direct to press releases summarizing selected scientific abstracts that will be presented Wednesday, June 9, at SLEEP 2010, the 24th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) in San Antonio, Texas. Abstract and presentation details are included at the end of each press release. 

More than 1,100 scientific abstracts will be presented both orally and as displays at SLEEP 2010. The abstracts were published in a 400-page supplement, originally available on a CD-ROM included with the May issue of the journal SLEEP. You can download the abstract supplement as a 6 MB file in PDF format at the journal SLEEP website.

Learning, Memory & Cognition

Sleep May Help You Become a "Guitar Hero" 

Circadian Rhythms 

Sleep Preference Can Predict Performance of Major League Baseball Pitchers 

Teen Automobile Crash Rates are Higher When School Starts Earlier


First-Time Parents’ Daily Sleep Duration Predicts Their Relationship Satisfaction