On February 29, 2008, New Mexico’s Governor, Bill Richardson, signed Senate Bill 269 into law. The "Polysomnography Practice Act" provides licensure for sleep technologists in the state. According to the legislation, effective July 1, 2010, an individual who is practicing sleep technology, which includes CPAP, BiPAP and O2 titration, must have a valid sleep technologist license issued by the New Mexico Medical Board. The legislation also recognizes that the scope of practice for sleep technologists includes assistance in the technologies for the diagnosis and management of a broad spectrum of complex and multi-system sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome.
The bill mandates that after July 1, 2010, to obtain licensure, a technologist must have successfully completed one of the following tracks:
1. Graduation from a polysomnographic educational program that is accredited by CAAHEP;
2. Graduation from a respiratory care educational program that is accredited by CAAHEP and completion of the curriculum for a polysomnography certificate established and accredited by the CoARC of CAAHEP;
3. Graduation from an electroneurodiagnostic technologist educational program with a polysomnographic technology track that is accredited by CAAHEP; or
4. Successful completion of an A-STEP program that is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
To view the full bill, visit: https://legis.state.nm.us/Sessions/08%20Regular/final/SB0269.pdf
If you have any questions or need further information please contact AASM Senior Health Policy and Government Affairs Analyst Ted Thurn at tthurn@aasm.org or AASM Government Relations Coordinator Octavio Duran at oduran@aasm.org, or (708) 492-0930.