SLEEP 2010, the 24th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS), will be held June 5-9, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas. Individuals interested in attending should be aware of the following deadlines and advisories:
- Advanced Registration Deadline, April 21, 2010: Register on or before this date to save up to 25 percent on registration fees. Register for SLEEP 2010.
- Ticketed Sessions: Postgraduate courses, meet the professor sessions and lunch and learn sessions require pre-registration. Several of these sessions have already sold-out or are nearly full; register early to ensure that you are able to attend these popular sessions. View a list of sold-out sessions or register.
- SRS Trainee Symposia Series Registration Deadline, April 21, 2010: Sleep Research Society and AASM student members may attend the free SRS 15th Annual Trainee Symposia Series on Saturday, June 5, 2010. Individuals interested in attending this event must register on or before April 21, 2010; no exceptions will be made to this deadline. View the SRS Trainee Symposia Series schedule.
- Hotel Reservation Deadline, May 7, 2010: The APSS has reserved discounted room blocks at several local hotels though the APSS Housing Bureau. Rooms will be available until May 7, 2010, or until the room blocks sell-out. Check availability or book now.
A full Preliminary Program for SLEEP 2010 is available on the meeting’s Web site at For questions, please contact the APSS meeting department by e-mail at or by phone at 708-492-0930.