Now is the best time to submit your 2013 PQRS measures through the AASM PQRSwizard. Register today as an individual and the program is $225, but if you register in a group of 10 or more, each individual will receive 10 percent off the AASM PQRSwizard program, 21 or more, each individual will receive 15 percent off! Instant savings on top of the regular savings of $74, when you compare the price of the AASM’s PQRSwizard to the retail price of $299. Visit the Practice Management page on the AASM website to learn more about the AASM PQRSwizard program and the PQRS incentive/penalty structure. Before you start reporting, be sure to watch the PQRSwizard webinar to learn more about the importance of 2013 reporting and the ease of reporting using the PQRSwizard. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session, which was extremely beneficial and is included in the recording.