Patient Volume and Statistics Form Fact Sheet

Applicable Accreditation Standards

Entities must maintain a Policy and Procedures Manual that addresses patient acceptance policies for sleep clinics, in-lab testing, HSAT and DME. Written policies for patient acceptance must include:

  • Adherence to all applicable, current AASM guidelines 
  • Age limitations.
  • A mechanism for acceptance.
  • Evidence based criteria for exclusion. 
  • Information required from a referring health care provider prior to all sleep testing. 

The Sleep clinic must be able to evaluate, manage and provide follow-up for an adequate range of sleep disorders (as defined in Standard C-1). Sleep Clinic(s) associated with diagnostic services (In-Lab testing and/or HSAT must accept all patients tested at the diagnostic service location(s). 

Each location providing in-lab testing services must be able to provide diagnostic sleep testing for all sleep disorders requiring lab-based testing for diagnosis (including, but not limited to, central sleep apnea, parasomnias, and central hypersomnias). 

Sleep Clinics must document in the medical record ongoing evaluation, management, and follow-up of each patient with sleep disorders. Sleep Clinics must be able to show medical records to demonstrate management of an adequate range of sleep disorders. All sleep disorders are defined by the current edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 

Patient Volume and Statistics Form

Each service location must provide data relevant to the services they offer. The patient volume and data collected, along with each site’s Patient Acceptance Policy, help the AASM ensure compliance with the Standards for Accreditation. 

Terms of the Patient Volume and Statistics Form

  • Unduplicated: A patient is counted only once, regardless of the number of encounters (visits) within the specified timeframe.
  • Direct Referrals: Patients who have never been seen by a clinic medical staff member.
  • Professional Staff Members (sleep clinic staff): Staff members with a valid medical license in the state where patients are evaluated, diagnosed, and treated. This includes physicians, licensed psychologists, PAs, APRNs, and NPs.

Sections of the Patient Volume and Statistics Form

Clinic Statistics

  • Include the total number of patients seen or evaluated, distinguishing between those seen by a clinic medical staff member and those who were direct referrals.
  • Specify how many patients were referred for in-lab testing and how many required home sleep apnea testing (HSAT). 
  • Report the diagnoses of all patients seen or evaluated in the clinic, including those who were direct referrals.  

In-Lab Testing Facilities

Include the number of studies conducted for each type of study performed.

Home Sleep Apnea Testing (HSAT) Statistics

Include the total number of HSATs performed for all current billable codes.

Durable Medical Equipment

Include the total for each type of equipment provided.

All reported data for each service location must include statistics from the six months prior to submitting the accreditation application.

Key Things to Keep In Mind

  • The data provided must include volume and statistics from the six months prior to submitting the accreditation application.
  • The total diagnoses reported should include both patients seen and evaluated through the clinic, as well as those of direct referrals.
  • Each service location must report its own data.