Event Publicity Request

Please complete the Event Publicity Request Form if your state sleep society would like to request that an email be sent to AASM members in your region promoting your society’s annual meeting.

Please note the following:

  • In order to limit the number of emails AASM members receive, publicity emails will not be sent out for events taking place in the same timeframe as the AASM Sleep Medicine Trends course (January/February) or the APSS Annual Meeting (May/June).
  • To limit the amount of emails being sent to AASM members, we will send no more than 2 announcements per state sleep society event (one initial announcement and one follow-up).
  • AASM staff will do their best to accommodate your requested distribution date but please allow at least a week for processing.
  • AASM staff will determine the exact date that your publicity email will be scheduled for distribution.

[contact-form-7 id=”7369″ title=”State Society”]