The following AASM government and health policy updates were posted online in 2007.
- March 1: Sleep Technologist Licensure Bill Introduced in North Carolina
- March 8: MedPAC Issues Report to Congress on Physician Payment
- March 15: NIH Launches Director’s New Innovator Award Program
- March 15: NHLBI Announces Intent to Issue Program Announcement on Clinical Trials
- March 15: Sleep Technologist Licensure Bill Introduced in New Mexico
- March 15: FDA Requests Label Change for Sleep Disorder Drug Products
- March 22: CMS to Review National Coverage Determination for Portable Monitoring
- March 22: Senate Budget Resolution Contains Reserve Funds for Medicare Physician Payments
- March 22: CMS Extends Deadline to June 1, 2007, for Paper Billers to Use NPI
- March 30: CMS Makes Available Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Resources
- March 30: Palmetto Announces New Reimbursement Requirements for South Carolina
- March 30: CMS Announces New K Codes for Oral/Mask Use with CPAP
- March 30: Licensure Bills Affecting Sleep Technologists Introduced in New Mexico and Tennessee
- April 5: NHLBI Strategic Plan Posted Online
- April 5: CMS Clarifies Guidelines for NPI Deadline Implementation
- April 12: Update on NPI Deadline Extension
- April 12: FDA Launches New Studies Web Page
- May 4: Medicare Releases 2007 Trustees Report
- May 11: New Legislation Ties Tax Debt to Part B Payments
- May 17: Sleep Technologist Licensure Bill Introduced in North Carolina
- May 17: Simple Steps Outlined to Register Your NPI for Sleep Medicine by May 23
- June 21: View AASM Comment and Public Comments to CMS on Portable Monitoring NCD
- June 21: New Local Coverage Determination Introduced for Region 6
- July 13: July 16 is Deadline to Make Changes to NPI Before it is Public
- July 13: Proposed Changes to Stark Law Affect Sleep Medicine Specialists
- July 13: CMS Posts Decision Memo for Clinical Trial Policy
- July 13: Physicians: New Tools Online for Medicare Quality Reporting Program
- July 20: CMS Publishes "Implementation of New Compliance Standards for IDTFs"
- July 26: North Carolina Finance Committee Addresses HB 1381
- July 26: Senate Finance Committee Approves Reauthorization of SCHIP Bill
- Aug. 2: CMS Delays Dissemination of NPI Registry
- Aug. 2: CMS Posts MedCAC Meeting Information Online
- Aug. 9: Comprehensive Coverage Determination Information Now Online
- Aug. 16: NIH Extends Comment Period for Biomedical and Behavioral Research and Peer Review
- Aug. 16: New Information on Important CMS Practice and Reimbursement Regulations
- Aug. 24: NHLBI Announces Call for Ancillary Studies
- Aug. 30: Actigraphy: AASM Encourages Members to Use Code
- Aug. 30: NIH Seeks Volunteer Grant Reviewers
- Sept. 6: AASM Comments on Proposed Physician Fee Schedule
- Sept. 14: Congress to Consider Physician Payments, SCHIP
- Sept. 14: Alert: Medicare Starting to Reject Claims with NPI Discrepancies
- Sept. 21: Congress Considers Medicare Physician Payment Legislation and Child Health Care
- Sept. 21: MedCAC Evaluates CPAP NCD
- Oct. 4: NIH Launches Extensive Open-access Dataset of Genetic and Clinical Data
- Oct. 4: Legislative Updates: AASM to Address Medicare Payments; President Vetoes SCHIP and Signs Prescription Bill
- Oct. 18: Legislative Update: Congress Votes Again on SCHIP and Reconsiders Physician Payments
- Oct. 18: New Medicare Advantage Fact Sheet Available to Sleep Medicine Specialists
- Oct. 26: New Tech Legislation to be Introduced in California
- Oct. 26: Transcript of MedCAC Portable Monitoring Meeting Available for Download
- Oct. 26: Submit Comments to NIH Center for Scientific Review
- Nov. 2: Medicare Premiums Will Rise in 2008
- Nov. 2: HHS Appeals Checkbook Decision
- Nov. 2: CMS Posts New Transmittal Regarding NPI
- Nov. 2: Senate Passes Mental Health Parity Act
- Nov. 6: CMS Releases Final Rule for 2008: Physician Payments, IDTFs DME, PQRI Affected
- Nov. 16: Update: Legislative Proposal Regarding Sleep Technologists Introduced in California
- Dec. 7: NHLBI Announces New Strategic Plan
- Dec. 14: Prepare for Upcoming NPI Implementation Deadlines
- Dec. 14: Cut to Physician Payments Looms: Contact Your Representatives
- Dec. 17: AASM Special Update: CMS CPAP Decision Policy
- Dec. 21: National Coverage Determination 240.4
- Dec. 21: CMS Policy: What are national and local determinations?
- Dec. 21: Update: Congress Passes Reprieve for Physician Payment Cuts; Key Policies Not Addressed