The National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) has announced the renewal of an RFA for innovative research addressing elements that eliminate health disparities. Sleep and/or circadian factors may be elements that can be modified to reduce health disparities. The application due date is Feb. 26, 2010. Read the complete request for applications on the NIH Web site.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has announced a new center program (P01) to support glycoscience research. Topics of potential interest to sleep and circadian researchers working in collaboration with teams of glycoscientists include glycan abnormalities linking sleep deprivation or untreated sleep apnea to the pathophysiology and risk of heart, lung, and blood diseases. The program includes several special requirements. The application due date is May 10, 2010. Read the complete request for applications on the NIH Web site.
The NIH and CDC have announced a new program to support R01, R21, and R03 studies of (1) how "policies" influence school physical activity and nutrition environments, youths’ obesogenic behaviors and weight outcomes; (2) understand how schools are implementing these policies and examine multi-level influences on adoption and implementation; and (3) understand the synergistic or counteractive effect of school nutrition and physical activity polices on the home and community environment and body weight. Sleep and/or circadian factors may be modifiable elements of "policy" and implementation plans in selected settings where the impact on body weight changes might be assessed/studied. Read the complete funding opportunity announcements for R01 applications, R21 applications and R03 applications on the NIH Web site.