As a part of the ongoing initiative to advocate for physician payment reform, the AASM has launched an online campaign to urge Congress to avert drastic reductions in physician payment in 2023. The AASM encourages you to send the campaign letter to your U.S. representative by visiting the AASM Action Center.
Physicians continue to see consistent reductions in the Medicare conversion factor because of budget neutrality, statutory cutbacks, and implementation of sequestration reductions. These cuts, combined with rising inflation and the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, will significantly reduce physician payment, restrict access to care, and jeopardize quality of patient care. Sleep medicine would be among the specialties that are especially vulnerable to a 4.5% budget neutrality cut and a 4% statutory cut to physician payment because of higher practice expense costs.
The AASM is calling on our members to urge Congressional leaders to cosponsor H.R. 8800, a bill that would extend certain increases in payments for physician services under the Medicare program through 2023. The bill currently has bipartisan support with more than 40 cosponsors since the launch of the campaign on Tuesday, Oct. 4. Visit the AASM Action Center to contact your representative today and encourage co-sponsorship of the bill to avert these drastic cuts to physician payment.
Questions about the online campaign, H.R. 8800, or payment reform efforts can be sent to the AASM’s health policy team at