More than 100,000 residents have completed applications for coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s state-operated health insurance exchanges, and at least 38,000 have enrolled. The data is from the 14 states that are running their own insurance marketplaces. Among the 14 states, two have released large enrollment numbers: Kentucky, where more than 9,500 residents have signed up for health plans through the exchange and Washington, where 25,000 residents have completed enrollment.

However, Maryland reported that just 1,121 residents out of the 600,000 uninsured in the state have competed enrollment for coverage through the exchange. Federal officials said they will not release enrollment data for the 36 federally run exchanges until next month. AASM members can learn more about the provisions in the ACA, State Exchanges and our advocacy efforts to ensure sleep services are included in State Exchange plans by in the Affordable Care Act Resources section of the AASM website.