The newest issue of Sleep Review profiles AASM President Nancy Collop, MD, as a forward-thinking leader who is proposing revolutionary changes to improve sleep medicine. The feature story comes as the AASM rolls out itsInnovation Care Delivery and Management Program for Patients with OSA (ICDMPPO) proposal, an effort that Dr. Collop had a central role in developing. The article depicts Dr. Collop as a leading physician, clinical researcher and President of the AASM, and summarizes how the ICDMPPO proposal would improve care for sleep disorders patients while reducing costs. Under the proposal, a board-certified sleep physician and accredited sleep center would serve as an anchor point for the patient while maintaining communication with the primary care physicians. The sleep medicine physician would be responsible for managing the continuum of the patient’s sleep-related care, from the initial visit to the diagnostic test to equipment titration and long-term follow-up.
Read the complete story online in the digital edition of Sleep Review.