Each year we elect new leaders who guide the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and address the interests and needs of our members. As the sleep medicine field evolves, the AASM requires strong leaders to set the direction of our organization and connect with members to determine how the organization will support our membership.
The AASM invites members to nominate candidates (self-nominations welcome) for service as an at-large member of the Board of Directors.
Service as an at-large Director is a three-year appointment, with the term effective in June at the SLEEP 2013 Annual Meeting of the APSS. Directors are required to attend five face-to-face meetings and participate in conference calls as necessary.
The AASM has a conflict of interest policy with which all candidates must comply; interested applicants should review the conflict of interest policy in advance of submitting their nominations.
Members interested in submitting a nomination are required to complete the conflict of interest disclosure form, a maximum two-page biosketch that details professional experience, and a maximum two-page letter of intent. Please submit the required materials by November 9, 2012.
The materials can be sent via e-mail to jmoney@aasm.org, fax to (630) 737-9790 or postal mail to:
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Attn: Jordana Money
2510 N. Frontage Road
Darien, IL 60561