Dear AASM Members,

Happy New Year! As 2019 begins, I hope that you can look back with satisfaction on what you accomplished in 2018 while anticipating an exciting and successful year ahead.

I thank the AASM Board of Directors, our hardworking committee member volunteers, and the AASM staff who helped make 2018 a productive year for the AASM. We finished strong by releasing our compensation survey results and hosting the Sleep-Disordered Breathing Collaboration Summit, during which we discussed strategies to improve the diagnosis and treatment of OSA with representatives from other medical societies.

Earlier in the year we advocated for our field by meeting with legislators on Capitol Hill and officials at the FDA, and we had insightful meetings at CMS to discuss PAP policies and alternative payment models. We also provided numerous educational opportunities through our well-attended courses, which were fueled by the members who served as our expert faculty. To learn more about our membership, and to ensure that we provide a welcoming environment for all of our members, we formed a task force that developed a diversity and inclusion statement and is preparing a report for the Board of Directors.

I thank you for your continued support of the AASM and dedication to our vision of achieving optimal health through better sleep. I am sure that 2019 will be full of new opportunities and experiences, and I look forward to navigating them together. The AASM will continue to advocate for you and your patients, provide premier educational resources and events (including the new, live-streamed Sleep Medicine Disruptors course), and collaborate to improve sleep health and promote patient-centered care.

I extend my best wishes to you and your loved ones and hope that 2019 will be filled with peace, happiness, and many hours of restful sleep!


Douglas B. Kirsch, MD
AASM President