Accredited Facility Membership Scoring Manual Request Form

As a benefit of Accredited Facility Membership, Facilities have the ability to distribute access for staff members to view the online AASM Scoring Manual.  In order to do this, please follow these steps:

  1. Facilities receive access for up to 10 staff members as a member benefit
  2. You can manage the digital access through your membership portal:
    1. Login to your membership portal
    2. Click the “My Organizations” tab
    3. Select the facility you’d like to provide access to
    4. Click the “Scoring Manual/A-CEP” tab
    5. Either select existing staff from the drop-down or add a new staff member by clicking the “add new staff” link
    6. Once the staff member is selected, select “Scoring Manual” from the “Select on-demand resource” dropdown
    7. Click the “Add button” to provide that staff member access to the Scoring Manual
  3. If additional staff would like to access the scoring manual, or you would like to order print copies, please fill out the form on this page.
  4. We will send you an invoice for the additional spots and print copies of the manual.

For additional assistance, please email

Thank you for being an accredited member facility with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

[contact-form-7 id=”8035″ title=”Facility Member Scoring Manual Access Request”]