Training and Education Information: Staff and Patient DME Fact Sheet 

Applicable Accreditation Standards

DME Supplier staff, which may include licensed personnel, where required by state law, must be trained to deliver, set-up, and train patients/caregivers on all equipment, items, and /or services included in Standard D-2 that are offered by the supplier, DME Supplier staff must participate in at least 30 credits ( averaged 10 credits per year over the past 36 months) of continuing education credit ( CEC) educational activities on sleep, respiratory therapy, or other related topics.  Proration based upon date of hire is acceptable for DME Supplier staff.  

DME Suppliers must provide appropriate education to patients/caregivers on all aspects of equipment use including initial equipment set-up and useEducation includes but is not limited to: Functionality of PAP equipment, Proper fitting for mask/pillow; troubleshooting PAP equipment; PAP cleaning; PAP equipment maintenance/replacement schedule, contact for routine and emergency situations.

Staff Training


  • A written policy is required to outline the educational requirements for supplier staff.
  • Staff must be acknowledged about the delivery, setup, operation, and maintenance of each piece of equipment provided.
  • If licensed personnel are used to provide services, an appropriate license is required.
  • Supplier staff must participate in at least 30 Continuing Education Credits (CECs), averaging 10 per year.
  • CEC’s can be prorated based on the date of hire.

Patient Education


  • A written policy is required that outlines the educational content based on equipment type, including function, mask fitting, troubleshooting, cleaning, routine maintenance, and contact information for the supplier and emergency situations. 
  • Patients and caregivers must receive appropriate education on the equipment provided by the supplier, including its use and setup.

Key Things to Keep In Mind

  • Educational materials, including written handouts and verbal instruction, are recommended.
  • Continuing Education Credits (CECs) may be earned in sleep, respiratory therapy, or other topics relevant to the equipment and services provided. 
  • The policy should outline the documentation process for tracking and recording CECs. 
  • Evidence of CECs must be submitted. 
  • Evidence of a current license, if applicable, must also be submitted.