Continuing Education Information: Medical and Technical Staff Fact Sheet 

Applicable Accreditation Standards

The director must earn at least 30 credits per year (averaged 10 credits per year over the past 36 months) of AMA PRA Category 1 CME credit in sleep medicine. Compliance with CME requirements must be documented.  

Physicians recently completing a sleep medicine fellowship or initial board certification in sleep medicine will have the CME requirement waived for 36 months from the end date of the program. 

Medical staff members must earn at least 30 credits per year (averaged 10 credits per year over the past 36 months) of AMA PRA Category 1 CME credit in sleep medicine. Compliance with CME requirements must be documented. 

Medical staff members who have completed a sleep medicine fellowship or initial board certification in sleep medicine will have the CME requirement waived for 36 months from the end date of the program. 

Medical staff members who have completed a formal training program within the previous 12 months will have their credit requirements waived. Upon completion of a training program, the applicable continuing education requirement in sleep medicine will be prorated based on the end date of the program. Education sessions conducted at the entity are acceptable for fulfilling this standard provided the session has defined educational objective(s) and attendance is documented by a roster signed by the Site Director. 

For accreditation networks providing diagnostic services ( In-Lab Testing and/or HSAT), all  technical staff must participate in at least 30 credits (averaged 10 credits per year over the past 36 months) of sleep-related continuing education credits. This must be documented for each technical staff member. Proration based upon date of hire is acceptable for sleep technician and technologists.  Education sessions conducted by the entity are acceptable for fulfilling this standard provided the session has defined educational objective(s) and attendance is documented by a roster signed by the Site director. 

Each sleep technician and technologist must have valid CPR certification that includes skills training. 

Medical Staff Members


  • 30 continuing medical education (CME) credits averaged 10 credits per year over the past 36 months of AMA PRA Category 1 CME credit in Sleep Medicine. 
  • Physicians who have completed a fellowship or initial sleep board certification will have CME waived for 36 months from the end date of the program. 
  • CME are waived for medical staff members who have completed a formal training program within the previous 12 months. 


  • CME documentation that includes the date of the educational session, the educational provider, and the number of CME credits earned. 
    • CME must be earned in a sleep-specific topic
    • CME earned from educational providers without sleep-specific titles will require supporting documentation verifying that the CME is in sleep medicine

Technical Staff Members


  • All registered and non-registered sleep technicians are to earn at least 30 continuing education credits (CEC) averaged 10 credits per year over the past 36 months of sleeprelated continuing education credits. 


  • CEC documentation that includes the date of the educational session, the educational provider, and the number of credits earned. 
    • CEC must be earned in a sleeprelated topic 

Key Things to Keep In Mind

Medical Staff

  • Physicians must have 30 CME at the time of submission regardless of date of hire.
  • Advanced practice providers (NP, PA, APRN) may have CME requirements prorated based upon date of hire.
  • CME must be AMA PRA Category 1 CME earned in sleep medicine (evidence must be documented). 
    • Topics that are not directly related to sleep medicine, even if relevant, do NOT meet compliance requirements
    • If submitting CME on medication topics, the topic must specify its use in treating sleep disorders 
  • Physicians who have recently completed a fellowship will have their CME requirement waived for 36 months from the program’s end date.
  • Completion of board certification in a medical specialty other than sleep medicine will NOT have CME waived.
  • Physicians currently enrolled in a sleep fellowship program are required to submit evidence of education in sleep medicine topics.
  • Educational sessions conducted by the entity are acceptable if a roster is maintained, outlining the session objectives, time spent, and signed by the Site Director. 
  • CME documentation must be available on-site for verification during the site visit. 

Sleep Technicians and Technologists

  • CEC must be in sleep related topics.
    • CPR certification does not fulfill CEC compliance requirements. 
  • CEC requirements for technical staff will be prorated based on their hire date.
  • Educational sessions conducted by the entity are acceptable if a roster is maintained, outlining the session objectives, time spent, and signed by the Site Director.
  • CEC documentation must be available on-site for verification during the site visit. 
  • The A-STEP 80-hour Introductory course completed through an accredited A-STEP provider is awarded 1 CEC. 
  • The online A-STEP program consists of 26 modules, with each module providing 1 CEC.
  • Completion of ISR assessments through AASM Sleep ISR is acceptable, provided the CEC has been claimed.
  • CPR certification is required for all, regardless of the sleep technician’s responsibilities. Off-site scorers who do not perform testing are still required to maintain CPR certification 

CME Opportunities Include:

CEC Opportunities Include: