The following press releases were distributed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2008. For more information about any of the topics or studies mentioned in these releases, contact the AASM media relations department at (708) 492-0930 or
- Jan. 1: Journal SLEEP: Children’s Sleep Duration Differs According to the Time of Day, Week, and Year, and Can Influence Their Weight, Behavior
- Jan. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Catathrenia Can be Successfully Treated with CPAP
- Jan. 1: Journal SLEEP: Nightmares in Pre-schoolers Are Less Prevalent, Are Trait-Like and Associated with Personality
- Jan. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Undiagnosed OSA Patients Have Altered Cardiovascular Responses During Exercise Recovery
- Jan. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that a Three-to-Seven Night Per Week Dosing of Zolpidem for Up to Six Months is an Effective Treatment for Insomnia
- Jan. 31: Election 2008: Sleep Deprivation A Tough Opponent For Presidential Candidates
- Feb. 1: Journal SLEEP: Four Days of REM Sleep Deprivation Contributes to a Reduction of Cell Proliferation in Rats
- Feb. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Respiratory Disturbances During Sleep Increase Significantly with Age, Even in Healthy Individuals
- Feb. 1: Journal SLEEP: Study Concludes a Daytime Nap Can Benefit a Person’s Memory Performance
- Feb. 1: Journal SLEEP: Chronic Insomnia Can Predict Future Functioning of Adolescents
- Feb. 1: Journal SLEEP: Periodic Leg Movements Predict Total Sleep Time in Older People with Cognitive Impairment and Sleep Disturbance
- Feb. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds That Changes in Narcoleptics’ Skin and Core Body Temperatures Affect Their Vigilance and Sleepiness
- Feb. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Systematic Change in Dreams After 9/11/01
- March 1: Journal SLEEP: Snoring Linked to Cardiovascular Disease, Increased Health Care Utilization
- March 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Children with OSA Have Abnormal Respiratory-Related Evoked Potentials
- March 1: Journal SLEEP: Methylphenidate Can Have Sleep Benefits in Adults with ADHD
- March 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Similarity in the Meaning of Sleep Quality Between Insomniacs, Normal Sleepers
- March 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a High Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Narcoleptics
- March 13: CMS Approves Home Sleep Testing for Diagnosis of OSA; AASM Experts Available for Comment
- April 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Short, Long Sleep Duration is Associated with Future Weight Gain in Adults
- April 1: Journal SLEEP: Insomnia May Perpetuate Depression in Some Elderly Patients
- April 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that a Reduced Arousal Threshold in Drosophila Mutants Prevents Them from Staying Asleep
- April 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Link Between Insomnia and Depression in Young Adults
- April 15: Clinical Guidelines for the Manual Titration of Positive Airway Pressure in OSA Patients Published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
- April 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds that Obesity Can Predict Upper Airway Obstruction Amongst Children
- April 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds that a Single Subjective Question Can Be An Effective Sleepiness Screening Tool
- April 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds a High Frequency of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Hospitalized Patients
- April 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds that Husbands with OSA are More Likely to Adhere to CPAP if their Wives Share the Bed
- April 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds No Difference in the Sleep Architecture of OSA Patients Studied in a Hospital vs. a Hotel-Based Sleep Center
- April 30: Sleep Problems are More Likely as We Get Older
- April 30: More Studies Show that Sleep Problems are Likely to Cause Depression and Other Mental Health Problems
- May 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Significant Difference in the Sleep Disturbances Among Alzheimer Patients from their Caregivers
- May 1: Journal SLEEP: Sleep Duration Related to Having the Metabolic Syndrome, a Strong Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease
- May 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Consistent, Worldwide Association Between Short Sleep Duration and Obesity in Children and Adults
- May 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Link Between Sleep Fragmentation and Daytime Napping in Older Adults
- May 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that the Phase of Clock Gene Expression in Human Leukocytes Correlates with Habitual Sleep Timing
- May 14: SLEEP 2008 Abstract Presentations: Highlights for Monday, June 9
- May 15: SLEEP 2008 Abstract Presentations: Highlights for Tuesday, June 10
- May 16: SLEEP 2008 Abstract Presentations: Highlights for Wednesday, June 11
- May 17: SLEEP 2008 Abstract Presentations: Highlights for Thursday, June 12
- May 18: SLEEP 2008 Abstract Presentations: Highlights by Category
- May 27: More than 5,000 Scientists and Doctors will Discuss Sleep Science and the Health Risks of Sleep Disorders at SLEEP 2008 in Baltimore this June
- June 2: American Academy of Sleep Medicine Blog Will Provide Live Updates Featuring the Latest News and Research from SLEEP 2008 in Baltimore
- June 18: SLEEP 2008: American Academy of Sleep Medicine Award Recipients
- July 1: Study Shows that Milder Forms of Sleep-Disordered Breathing are Associated with Hyperglycemia
- July 1: Study Provides Evidence of Brain Damage in Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- July 1: Two New Studies Analyze Menopause-Related Sleep Problems
- July 1: Study Shows that Treating Pediatric OSA May Require a Combination of Two Methods
- Aug. 1: Australian Study Shows that Sleep Apnea is an Independent Risk Factor for Mortality
- Aug. 1: Study Shows that People with Sleep Apnea Have a High Risk of Death
- Aug. 1: Journal Sleep Fact Sheet: Obstructive Sleep Apnea & Mortality – Comparing the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort with the Busselton Health Study
- Aug. 12: Beat the Back to School Blues: Getting Enough Sleep May Improve Success in Students’ Academic and Personal Lives
- Aug. 15: Study Shows that Older Adult Caregivers of People with Dementia Have Worse Sleep than Noncaregivers
- Aug. 15: Study Shows that Surgical Weight Loss Does Not Eliminate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
- Sept. 1: Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep are Less Common in African-Americans and are Associated with More Insomnia Complaints
- Sept. 1: Brain Imaging Links Chronic Insomnia to Reversible Cognitive Deficits, but Behavioral Performance May not Suffer
- Sept. 1: Study Shows that Heavy Snoring is an Independent Risk Factor for Carotid Atherosclerosis, a Leading Cause of Stroke
- Sept. 1: Study Shows that Subjective Sensitivity to Changes in Skin Temperature is Decreased in Older Adults with Insomnia
- Sept. 1: More Daytime Sleeping Predicts Less Recovery during Rehabilitation for Older Adults
- Oct. 1: Learning to Shape your Brain Activity May be an Effective Treatment for Insomnia
- Oct. 1: Changes in Sex Steroids Associated with Menopause Linked to Increased Sleep Duration but Decreased Sleep Quality
- Oct. 1: Study Links Adolescent Insomnia to Depression and Substance Abuse during Adolescence & in Young Adulthood
- Oct. 15: Insomnia in Women with Breast Cancer Linked to Heart Rate Dysregulation, Stress Response
- Oct. 15: Association Found between Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and High Fat Diets and Decreased Physical Activity in Women
- Dec. 1: Study Shows How Shift Workers Can Improve Job Performance and Implement a Realistic Sleep Schedule
- Dec. 1: High Levels of Prenatal Smoking Exposure Affect Sleep Patterns in Preterm Neonates
- Dec. 2: AASM Responds to the Release of the Institute of Medicine Report on Fatigue and Medical Resident Work Hours
- Dec. 15: Study Shows an Independent Relationship Between the Intensity of Snoring Sounds and Sleepiness
- Dec. 15: Data Mining of Inpatient Records Reveals the Disease Pattern of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
- Dec. 15: Later School Start Times May Improve the Sleep of Adolescents and Decrease Their Risk of Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Dec. 15: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy Decreases and Stabilizes Sleeping Glucose Levels in People with Type 2 Diabetes and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)