The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) hosted the 8th Annual Young Investigators Research Forum, an intensive 3-day conference dedicated to developing the early careers of sleep researchers and clinicians. Held April 6-8 in Bethesda, Maryland, this unique workshop-style event enabled 30 competitively selected young investigators to learn from established AASM faculty, network with faculty and other young investigators, and meet representatives from 14 National Institutes of Health (NIH) institutions. Attendees participated in plenary sessions focused on career development and grant writing, attended a mock NIH study section, and received feedback on their own research initiatives.
The AASM is grateful for the participation and leadership of the attending faculty: Katherine Sharkey, MD, PhD (Chair), Lynn Marie Trotti, MD, MSc (Vice Chair), Daniel Buysse, MD, Girardin Jean-Louis, PhD, Christopher O’Donnell, PhD, Sai Parthasarathy, MD, Susan Redline, MD, MPH, and Ronald Szymusiak, PhD. Their invaluable contribution made this forum possible.
The Academy also thanks the NIH officers who presented lectures, participated in the panel discussion, and served on the mock study sections: Michael Twery, PhD, Aaron Laposky, PhD, Stephanie Webb, PhD, Keary Cope, PhD, Lindsey Grandison, PhD, Mack Mackiewicz, PhD, James Witter, MD, PhD, Ann O’Mara, PhD, RN, Emmeline Edwards, PhD, Harnew Gordon, PhD, Aleksandra Vicentic, PhD, Janet He, PhD, Martha Matocha, PhD, Anton Simeonoff, PhD, William Riley, PhD, Michael Selmanoff, PhD, and Mary Ellen Michel, PhD. All were generous in volunteering their time to participate in the forum.
The forum will be held again next year in the spring of 2017. The call for applications will be announced in the fall of 2016. The AASM encourages all young investigators pursuing sleep research to apply for this competitive opportunity.