Members of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) are encouraged to learn more about the Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Death and Near Miss Registry, which was established through a collaboration between the Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine (SASM) and the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project. The registry will facilitate the collection of a large number of detailed case reports for analysis of unanticipated perioperative deaths and near misses in patients with OSA. The goal is to promote risk prevention and improve anesthesia patient safety by identifying common themes or factors including:
- Identify the level of monitoring used when deaths or near misses occurred
- Provide a better understanding into why the adverse events occurred and what (if anything) can be done to limit these adverse events
- Provide insight regarding how to best construct prospective studies to answer many of the questions surrounding the best practices for care of patients with OSA during the perioperative period
In order to protect anonymity, case reports do not contain patient or provider identifiers and are not linked to their source. Complete details, including case report instructions and forms, are available on the registry website.
Visit the Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Death and Near Miss Registry website.