Take part in the 26th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS), on June 9–13, 2012, in Boston, Massachusetts, by submitting a scientific abstract or session proposal today.
Guidelines for the submission of abstracts and proposals are now available in the SLEEP 2012 Call for Abstracts and Session Proposals. Be sure to review the new session formats—bench to bedside integrated sessions, business-related clinical workshops and morning report challenging cases sessions.
Session proposals will be accepted through Thursday, December 1, 2011. Abstract submissions for oral presentations and poster presentations will be accepted through Thursday, December 15, 2011.
Ensure that SLEEP 2012 continues to be the premier meeting for the fields of sleep medicine and sleep research by presenting your findings at this year’s meeting! For more information about the meeting, visit www.sleepmeeting.org. Questions may be directed to the APSS meeting department by e-mail to sleepmeeting@apss.org or by phone to 630-737-9700.