A virtual meeting of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Sleep Disorders Research Advisory Board will be held on Friday, December 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. EST, by conference call. The public is invited to attend electronically using the toll free number listed below or by internet using the web address and password provided below.

The primary purpose of this call is to continue discussing plans to revise/update the 2011 NIH Sleep Research Plan including the solicitation of input from stakeholders. Due to the short schedule, open discussion with the Board may not be available. Comments can be sent through the chat box or by email to twery@nih.gov.

Public Access (Internet)

View on-screen presentations and submit questions using the chat box.

Webex Link
:  SDRAB meeting

Log in
: Use your name and email

: sdrab (all lowercase)

Event number
: 626 777 663

: Use Firefox or Chrome – Webex will install a “plugin” for the browser.

Public Access (Phone)

Listen to the audio only.
Phone Number:  1-877-668-4493 or 1-650-479-3208

Access Code
: 626 777 663

For additional information regarding SDRAB, please contact twery@nih.gov.

For help using WebEx, use the online support center.