October 15, 2008, is the deadline to submit letters of intent for symposium proposal for the SLEEP 2009 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC. The letters of intent will be used by the Program Committee to identify potential overlap among submitted proposals that needs to be resolved early and to identify gaps in the scientific program that need to be filled. Submission of your letter of intent will enhance the likelihood of your symposium being accepted.
The information required in each letter of intent includes:
- A suggested symposium title;
- A 2-3 sentence description of the symposium objectives; and
- A list of potential speakers plus the possible titles of their talks.
Note: potential speakers do not need to be contacted at this time.
A template for the letter of intent is located on the SLEEP 2009 Web site at www.sleepmeeting.org. The letter must be submitted via e-mail to Amber Josi, Meeting Planner: ajosi@aasm.org. The Program Committee will provide feedback concerning your letter of intent in early November 2008. A final version of the symposium proposal must be submitted online via the SLEEP 2009 Web site by December 1, 2008.