Registration is now open for the following Spring 2011 AASM Sleep Education Series courses, all to be held at the AASM national office in Darien, Illinois, (a suburb of Chicago):
- A-STEP Introductory Course (March 21–April 1): Technologists new to the field should attend this 80-hour course, during which participants will be taught the practical skills that are essential for a successful career in the profession of sleep technology…learn more.
- Sleep Center Manager Boot Camp (April 4–7): Learn about the unique business challenges of managing a sleep center during this intensive 3½-day boot camp, during which participants will receive a comprehensive review of topics including policies and procedures, legal, coding and reimbursement issues, and business practices…learn more.
- Scoring of Sleep Workshop (April 16): Sleep technologists and physicians new to the field or interested in receiving a complete review of the scoring rules in the AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events should attend this one-day workshop, during which sleep study display, waveform recognition, and scoring of sleep stages and events will be reviewed in detail…learn more.
The courses will be held at the state-of-the-art AASM national office, which features meeting space designed specifically for sleep medicine training (including a model sleep center for faculty demonstration and hands-on learning opportunities). Registration for these courses will be limited to ensure that attendees receive time to interact with faculty and other attendees; register early to reserve your space. For more information about these courses and to register, visit the Sleep Education Series portion of the AASM website. Questions may be directed to the AASM meeting department by sending an e-mail to or by calling 630-737-9700.