The AASM encourages members to get involved in your community by volunteering to bring science education to local classrooms. One resource that can help you is the National Lab Network, a national initiative that connects K-12 teachers with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals to bring hands-on learning experiences to students in all 50 states. Teachers post project requests through the network, and the e-matching platform connects them with professionals who are interested in helping. Join the network and begin promoting science education today.
Another program of interest is LifeWorks e-mentoring, which is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This email mentoring program helps high school and college students who are interested in behavioral and social science, biomedical research, and healthcare careers. Undergraduate and graduate students, university professors, postdoctoral fellows, independent researchers, and healthcare personnel are well-suited to serve as e-mentors.
An additional resource is the NIH Office of Science Education, which has a NIH Science Education Volunteer Opportunities webpage. Multiple opportunities are available, especially for volunteers in the Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia area. The office also offers NIH Science Education Nation, a scientist’s guide to supporting K-12 education. The guide will help you learn how to make a positive impact on K-12 education by sharing your knowledge and skills.