Each month a new set of 200 consecutive epochs from a sleep record is posted online for the AASM Inter-scorer Reliability Testing Program. This new and convenient online program provides sleep centers, educational programs and research labs with the opportunity to compare the scoring ability of their staff and students with the AASM Gold Standard Scorer. AASM accredited centers will find this resource invaluable as participation in the program meets the AASM Standards for Accreditation regarding inter-scorer reliability. Visit the AASM Web site for more information and to register for the program.
The AASM recognizes that each month several epochs in the posted record will require that the scorer interpret The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events to his or her best ability. Because the scoring of sleep studies can be relatively subjective, 100-percent agreement with the AASM Gold Standard Scorer each month is unlikely. For this reason, the AASM will hold a monthly webinar during which Richard Rosenberg, PhD, will discuss epochs from the chosen exam that resulted in the greatest level of disagreement among test takers. Webinar registrants also are encouraged to submit requests for epochs that they would like to have reviewed at least one week prior to the webinar date.
The first Inter-scorer Reliability Record Review webinar will be held April 20, 2010, at 12 p.m. Central time and will review the February record. A review of the March record also has been scheduled for May 18, 2010. Registration for each webinar will include 1.0 CME or CEC credit for the registrant, and other viewers may add credit for an additional fee. Visit the AASM Web site for more information about this webinar or to register.