CNN’s The Human Factor aired a feature on Aaron Taylor, a former NFL player who is working with the AASM to educate the public about sleep apnea. Since his retirement from pro football, Taylor has worked in the media as a college football analyst for CBS Sports. Taylor has been using his role in college sports to advocate, in partnership with the AASM, for parents, coaches and school administrators to recognize the dangers of sleep apnea.
The segment with CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how Taylor manages sleep apnea using CPAP, and how this treatment, along with a healthier lifestyle, has helped him find happiness and success in his family and career.
Young football players, especially offensive and defensive linemen are at high risk of sleep apnea. For information on the AASM’s campaign to educate young athletes about sleep apnea, view the press release on the AASM website.