Thought Leaders Articles
Updates from the AASM president and other leaders in the organization

Farewell and thank you!

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change,” said Albert Einstein. This past year, the Academy was nimble and responsive to the needs of our members by quickly pivoting in making important decisions. The Academy saw and utilized opportunities in the face of [...]

2021-06-03T20:29:20-05:00June 3rd, 2021|Featured, Thought Leaders|

Abiding by core values to guide key decisions

Core values serve as guardrails to help us make important decisions. In January 2020, the AASM introduced the six core values adopted by the board of directors as part of our new strategic plan: adaptable, diverse and inclusive, evidence-based, innovative, patient-centered, and visionary. These [...]

2021-03-24T18:28:53-05:00February 19th, 2021|Featured, Thought Leaders|

Change, the only permanence in life!

As I paused recently to appreciate the beautiful fall colors changing, it reminded me that change is happening everywhere, continuously. We change as part of the natural evolution of life. As I was reflecting on change, my mind wandered to our field of sleep [...]

2020-10-15T22:57:36-05:00October 15th, 2020|Featured, Thought Leaders|
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