Members interested in learning more about the interpretation of the full spectrum of sleep studies including polysomnography, portable monitoring and actigraphy should plan to attend the AASM’s Sleep Education Series course, Interpreting Sleep Studies, to be held Oct. 22–24, 2010, at the AASM national office in Darien, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago). The advanced registration deadline to save on registration fees for this course is Friday, Sept. 24, 2010.
The structure of this course will include both didactic lectures as well as significant time dedicated to case-based discussions during which attendees can utilize an audience response system to help gauge their understanding of the sleep studies being presented. Additionally, on the morning of Friday, Oct. 22, 2010, course attendees may register for an optional Intensive Scoring Review workshop, which will provide in-depth coverage of sleep study display, waveform recognition, and the scoring of sleep stages and events.
More information about the Interpreting Sleep Studies course and Intensive Scoring Review workshop can be found on the Sleep Education Series portion of the AASM website. Questions can be directed to the AASM meeting department at or 630-737-9700.