The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has reached the challenging decision to sunset the Sleep CDR registry effective September 30, 2024, as the functionality has not met the needs of our members, as intended. All active users have been informed to ensure that practices that are currently using the Sleep CDR registry can start making alternate arrangements for measure tracking and reporting. Any outstanding requests for new users to the registry will be closed out.

Sleep CDR has been a complimentary member benefit that enabled individuals to meet AASM accreditation standards, collect data for reporting regulatory-mandated quality metrics to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) through MIPS, and most importantly, allowed participating clinicians to continually assess and improve the quality of care they provide to their patients. Thank you to all the AASM volunteers and staff who assisted with the establishment and expansion of the Sleep CDR registry over the last few years; your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed.

What happens to the data in the Sleep CDR registry?

  • Active users will continue to have access to their dashboards through September 30, 2024.
  • We encourage users to download their data and reports by September 20, 2024. This will allow time to troubleshoot, if necessary.
  • The AASM is committed to protecting, and properly destroying, any deidentified data entered into the registry, as outlined in our agreements.

How can I track and report sleep quality measures for AASM accreditation?

  • For AASM accreditation, sleep medicine quality measures can be tracked and reported manually (e.g., Excel spreadsheet), reports may be exported if using another clinical data registry, or your EMR may have an option to track and report measures.

How can I report quality measures for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)?

  • For MIPS reporting, clinicians can use another qualified clinical data registry, explore whether their EMR may have an option to track and report measures, or use the free CMS MIPS Reporting Tool.

How will the AASM continue to assist members with quality improvement?

  • Please visit org to view the following resources that support quality improvement: clinical practice guidelines and quality measurement sets.
  • Please review the AASM Weekly Insider to stay informed about changes to CMS requirements and all other quality updates.
  • The AASM will continue to provide members with resources to assist them with delivering high-quality sleep care to their patients.

Moving forward, the AASM remains committed to upholding our core values of being patient-focused, member-driven, adaptable, diverse & inclusive, evidence-based and forward-thinking. We will continue to work diligently on your behalf to achieve our shared goal of advancing sleep care and enhancing sleep health to improve lives.

The AASM has dedicated staff available to support you and your practice. Please email with any questions regarding this announcement or your registry account.


Steve Van Hout, MBA
Executive Director, AASM