With Super Tuesday behind us, the 2016 Election has shifted into high gear. In preparation for an influential election season, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Political Action Committee (AASM PAC) has updated its series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to create a greater understanding of the political process and the power of political action.
What is the AASM PAC? What candidates will the AASM PAC support? What are the PAC’s goals? Find the answers to all of your PAC and political advocacy questions on the AASM PAC webpage.
Are you already familiar with the AASM PAC and its unique ability to promote sleep-friendly policy? Help the AASM PAC meet our fundraising goals and join your fellow physician members as we build a bigger sleep coalition in Congress. Please consider making a contribution of $100 or more to the AASM PAC today!
Visit the AASM PAC’s online donation portal to donate now.