The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) is seeking public comments on the proposed revisions to the narcolepsy quality measure set, originally published in 2015, which is currently undergoing measure maintenance.

The public comment period will be open for 30 days, beginning June 12, 2024, ending on July 12, 2024.  AASM members, non-member health care professionals, patients, private payers, advocacy groups, professional medical societies, quality measure methodologists, and other interested members of the public are invited to review the draft revisions of the quality measure set and submit feedback during this public comment period.

The AASM measure maintenance process includes a review of the medical literature; a review of existing, related and/or competing quality measures; and a review of gaps and/or variations in care that demonstrate an opportunity for improvement. The revised quality measures are still in draft form and are subject to change, prior to finalization. Therefore, the draft should not be cited, copied or distributed for any purpose, other than review, until final publication.

All submitted comments will be reviewed by the AASM Quality Measures Task Force, and any additional revisions to the quality measures will be incorporated at the task force’s discretion. Responses from the task force will not be shared with commenters. The final version of the narcolepsy quality measures will be submitted to the AASM Board of Directors for approval, prior to publication.

Please complete the online survey to submit public comments on the revised AASM narcolepsy quality measure set.

For any questions or further information regarding this quality measures maintenance project, or to inquire about participation in other quality measure maintenance projects, please contact