In 2010, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine launched its Inter-scorer Reliability assessment system to meet the accreditation standards for inter-scorer reliability. This program has saved numerous accredited center valuable time; over 80% of users would recommend this program to their colleagues.

Based on feedback from users, the Inter-scorer Reliability assessment system has undergone major updates. These updates include: A completely redesigned user-friendly website; free CEC for all scorers; a time measurement system for added precision; customized montages and channel settings; monthly record review videos; a Panel of Gold Standard Scorers to promote more consistent scoring; a scoring blog for users to interact with the Panel of Gold Standard Scorers; and more!

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Inter-scorer Reliability assessment system is the leading program for continuing education on scoring sleep studies.

If you are not currently using the AASM’s Inter-scorer Reliability Program, take advantage of the Free 30-day Trial to see how the program can help your center.