The Accredited Sleep Technologist Education Program (A-STEP) Introductory Course was developed to provide technicians new to the profession with the fundamental education needed to begin a career in sleep technology. Through this two-week course, technicians receive a comprehensive review of basic information including patient chart review, electrode application, review of sleep recordings, fundamentals of sleep scoring, an introduction to sleep disorders and more. Topics are reviewed through a mixture of didactic lectures, online learning, practical exercises and observation at a sleep center, providing a tailored, hands-on approach to learning for each participant.

From March 21 to April 1, 2011, the AASM will host an A-STEP Introductory Course at the AASM national office in Darien, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago). The course will be limited to 20 participants to ensure that each individual receives personalized training during exercises and sleep center observation. For more information about this program, including a full daily schedule, course requirements and fees, and to register, visit the Sleep Education Series portion of the AASM website. The deadline to reserve hotel rooms at the discounted rate of $99/night plus tax is Monday, Feb. 21, 2011; attendees can book a hotel room at this rate through the AASM website. Questions may be directed to the AASM meeting department by sending an e-mail to or calling 630-737-9700.