The following press releases were distributed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2007. For more information about any of the topics or studies mentioned in these releases, contact the AASM media relations department at (708) 492-0930 or
- Jan. 15: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Resemblance Between Cataplexy During Status Cataplecticus and Normal Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
- Jan. 15: Journal SLEEP: Slow-Wave Activity During Sleep is Affected by the Quality and Intensity of Wakefulness
- Jan. 15: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Parasomnias Are Common and Frequent in Children
- Jan. 24: Be Good to Your Heart – Get Some Zzz’s
- March 1: AASM: Upcoming Time Change Should Have Minimal Effect if You Plan Ahead and Re-Adjust Your Sleep Schedule
- March 1: Journal SLEEP: Sleep Deprivation Affects Moral Judgment
- March 1: Journal SLEEP: OSA Increasingly Associated with Cardiovascular Disease
- March 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Treating Insomnia is Far Less Costly than Ignoring It
- March 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Sleepy Driver Near-Misses May Predict Accident Risks
- March 6: AASM Statement on the NSF Sleep in America Poll
- March 14: AASM Statement on Use of Sleep Medications
- April 1: Don’t Let Stress Prevent You from Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
- April 1: Journal SLEEP: Actigraphy is a Useful Way to Assess and Manage Sleep Disorders
- April 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Sleep Quantity Affects Morning Testosterone Levels in Older Men
- April 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Sleep Disturbance Increases Spontaneous Pain in Women
- April 11: AASM Applauds NTSB’s Effort to Communicate the Importance of Sleep to Air Traffic Controllers
- May 1: Getting Enough Sleep May Help Improve Cardiovascular Health
- May 1: Attention All Moms: Getting the Sleep You Need Will Improve Your Health and Well-Being
- May 1: Journal SLEEP: Sleep Deprivation Can Threaten Competent Decision-Making
- May 1: Journal SLEEP: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Impairs a Person’s Slow Wave Activity During Sleep
- May 1: Elderly Encouraged to Take Steps to Improve Their Sleep Habits
- May 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a High Level of Negativity Toward Judicial Sleepiness
- May 1: Journal SLEEP: BiP Levels in Animals Can Determine the Amount of Recovery Sleep Needed Following Prolonged Wakefulness
- May 8: Grant Awarded to Case Western
- June 1: Dads Encouraged to Make Time for Sleep in the Midst of their Busy Schedules
- June 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Longer CPAP Use at Night Can Normalize One’s Daytime Functioning
- June 1: Review Paper Highlights Sleep-Related Disorders Associated with Abnormal Sexual Behaviors and Experiences
- June 1: Journal SLEEP: Advanced Cancer Patients Have Less Quality Sleep
- June 11: Mary Susan Esther, MD, Named President-Elect of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- June 11: U of Miami Professor to Assume Leadership of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- June 11: Daniel G. Glaze, MD, Elected to American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s Board of Directors
- June 12: Patients Treated for OSA at an AASM-Accredited Sleep Center More Likely to Adhere to CPAP
- June 14: Dream Reports from Both Men and Women Consist of Some Form of Sexual-Related Activity
- June 15: SLEEP 2007 Archive: American Academy of Sleep Medicine Award Recipients
- June 15: SLEEP 2007 Archive: Scientific Abstract Presentations at the 21st Annual Meeting of the APSS
- July 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Chronic Insomnia Can Lead to Anxiety and Depression
- July 1: Journal SLEEP: Narcoleptics Have a High Frequency of REM Sleep Without Atonia, Elevated Phasic EMG Density in REM Sleep
- July 1: Journal SLEEP: Many Insomniacs Turn to Valerian and Melatonin to Help Them Sleep
- Aug. 1: AASM to School-Bound: Sleep is the Right Ingredient for Academic Success
- Aug. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Violent Behavior that Occurs during Disorders of Arousal is Provoked
- Aug. 1: Journal SLEEP: A Low Expression of MX2 Gene Exists in the White Blood Cells of Narcoleptics
- Aug. 1: Journal SLEEP: Persons with Narcolepsy with Cataplexy Have Low Levels of CSF Hypocretin-1, which Aids in the Regulation of Sleep
- Aug. 1: Journal SLEEP: Rotating Shift Workers Have Lower Levels of Serotonin
- Aug. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Medications are Frequently Prescribed for Children with Sleep Problems
- Aug. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that MPH Improves the Vigilance Performance of Children with ADHD and Who Have Poor Sleep Efficiency
- Aug. 15: AASM: Don’t Allow a ‘To-Do’ List to Cut into Your Sleep Time
- Aug. 21: Grandparents, Older Adults Encouraged to Seek Help for a Sleep Disorder
- Aug. 31: AASM Advises Those Student-Athletes Who Are Overweight and at Risk for Developing OSA to Visit a Sleep Clinic for Evaluation and Treatment
- Sept. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Work Time is the Largest Influence to the Duration of a Person’s Sleep
- Sept. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Minorities are More Likely to Have Sleep Durations Associated with Increased Mortality
- Sept. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that a Baby’s Conception and Birth Can Influence Dream Content in New Moms
- Sept. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Adolescents’ Use of Cell Phones After Bedtime Contributes to Poor Sleep
- Sept. 1: Journal SLEEP: Insufficient Sleep Among Children Just Beginning School Leads to Behavioral and Cognitive Problems in the Classroom
- Sept. 1: Journal SLEEP: Passive Smoking Increases Sleep Disturbance Among Pregnant Women
- Sept. 26: Pregnant Women: Good Sleep is One of the Best Ways to Assure a Healthy Baby
- Sept. 26: Evaluation and Treatment at a Sleep Clinic is the Best Way to Combat OSA
- Oct. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds That Women with Severe PMS Perceive Their Sleep Quality to be Poor
- Oct. 1: Journal SLEEP: Combining Alcohol with Sleep Restriction Can Affect Young Men’s Alertness and Performance Behind the Wheel
- Oct. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds More Reports of Children Having Trouble Falling Asleep than Maintaining Sleep
- Oct. 1: Journal SLEEP: Disturbed Sleep Linked to Poorer Daytime Function in Older Women
- Oct. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Extended Wakefulness, Combined with Alcohol, Severely Impairs Driving Performance
- Oct. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds That Both Short and Long Sleep is Associated with Increased Mortality
- Oct. 1: Journal SLEEP: Lower Metabolism, Changes in Eating Behavior Possible Explanations for the Cause of Being Overweight with Narcolepsy
- Oct. 15: New Tool to Assess Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adolescents Published in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
- Oct. 15: Usage of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies High Among Those with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome: Study
- Oct. 15: AASM: Improve Your Sleep and Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes
- Oct. 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds that People Tend to Overestimate their Self-Reported Sleep Times Compared to Measures by a Sleep Test
- Oct. 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds that Modafinil is Effective in Treating Excessive Sleepiness
- Oct. 15: Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine: CPAP Therapy Improves Symptoms of Depression in OSA Patients
- Oct. 17: AASM: Fall Back into Bed and Catch Up On Your Sleep
- Nov. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds a Link Between a Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder and Increased Heart Rate Variability
- Nov. 1: Practice Parameters Published in the Journal SLEEP Highlight Recommendations for the Evaluation and Treatment of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders
- Nov. 1: Journal SLEEP: Anxiety Linked to Sleep Disturbances
- Nov. 1: Journal SLEEP: Children with Asperger Syndrome More Likely to Have Sleep Problems
- Nov. 12: AASM: How You Eat This Thanksgiving May Affect the Quality of Your Sleep
- Nov. 14: AASM: Sleep Problems and Depression are Common Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Nov. 30: College Students: Getting Enough Sleep is Vital to Academic Success
- Dec. 1: Journal SLEEP: Nurses Who Work Extended Shifts, Feel Tired on the Job and Get Little Sleep are More Likely to Drive Drowsy
- Dec. 1: Practice Parameters Published in the Journal SLEEP Discuss Treatment for Narcolepsy and Other Hypersomnias of Central Origin
- Dec. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Insomniacs Are More Likely to Report a Family History of the Sleep Disorder
- Dec. 1: Journal SLEEP: Short, Long Sleep Duration Associated with Increased Mortality
- Dec. 1: Journal SLEEP: PDSS a Reliable Way to Measure the Effect of a Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder and Daytime Sleepiness on Teens’ Academic Performance
- Dec. 1: New Study in the Journal SLEEP Finds that Sleep Duration Raises the Risk for Diabetes
- Dec. 1: Journal SLEEP: Altered Sex Hormone Levels, Higher Body Temperature may be Associated with Poorer Sleep Quality in Older Postmenopausal Women
- Dec. 1: Journal SLEEP: Napping is a More Effective Countermeasure to Sleepiness in Younger than Middle-Aged People
- Dec. 15: New Study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Finds that Short Sleep Times in Patients with Chronic Medical Diagnoses are Associated with an Increased Risk of Obesity
- Dec. 15: Transtheoretical Model Published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine May Help to Identify OSA Patients’ Level of Intention to Exercise
- Dec. 17: AASM Approves Home Sleep Testing to Detect Sleep Apnea
- Dec. 18: AASM: Resolve to Get More Sleep in 2008