A funding opportunity announcement (FOA) issued by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) as part of the NIH Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network (OppNet) is soliciting short-term R25 Research Education Project applications that will focus on providing creative and innovative education research experiences for new scientists in basic behavioral and social science research (b-BSSR).
Selected aims of potential interest to sleep and circadian researchers working with colleagues in b-BSSR may include encouraging new investigators to engage in the field of basic behavioral and social science while also facilitating their long-term career development as principal investigators within the field; and, supporting research on how to best transfer b-BSSR knowledge into biomedical and/or other fields of research. The application due date is Jan. 6, 2011. Get complete details in the request for applications (RFA-NR-11-002) on the NIH website.
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