AASM Political Action Committee

Become a donor to gain exclusive benefits
All donors making contributions over $50 receive:
- Exclusive monthly PAC e-newsletter.
- Limited edition AASM PAC argyle socks
- Recognition on the AASM PAC webpage (coming soon!)
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Political Action Committee (AASM PAC) supports federal candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who recognize the value of high quality, patient-centered care provided by sleep medicine professionals. The AASM PAC also supports legislators who back federal funding for sleep research and sponsor sleep-related bills that promote public health and safety.
Support the AASM Political Action Committee
AASM PAC is the Academy’s political action committee, which is the only tool we can use to financially support the members of Congress who are champions of sleep medicine. This support ensures that we have a group of legislators who understand the impact of their policymaking on our work and our patients’ health. Our advocacy efforts are essential to the strength of sleep medicine and its growth.
By becoming an AASM PAC donor, you show your commitment to the future of the sleep field and give us a united voice on Capitol Hill.
PAC Facts
- Is a non-partisan political action committee
- Provides contributions to support sleep medicine-friendly legislators in their Congressional election campaigns
- Unites AASM members to support the sleep field
- Allows your voice to be heard in Congress
How can I support the AASM PAC?
Your generous donation can be made when you renew your AASM membership or through the donation button at the top of this page. If you prefer to send a payment via credit card or check, please submit your payment to:
2510 N Frontage Rd
Darien, IL 60561