By Shalini Paruthi, MD, FAASM; Steven Holfinger, MD, MS; Sachin Shah, MD, MS; Evin Jerkins, DO; Christine Won, MD; Sharon Schutte-Rodin, MD, FAASM; on behalf of the AASM Emerging Technology Committee

Keeping up with diverse and numerous insomnia-related devices and products can be challenging for clinicians. Most of these are wellness devices that do not require FDA clearance and often lack evidence-based studies to support their claims, allowing them to go straight to market. However, some technologies have received FDA clearance for insomnia treatment. Evaluating these technologies is time-consuming and may result in informational gaps.

Patients often inquire about consumer products or bring in data to appointments. Knowledge about these technologies can aid in addressing sleep issues, especially when cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) or medications may be delayed, are inappropriate, fail, cause side effects, or are declined.

In this article, products with FDA clearance or published studies are noted. The AASM and the authors have no affiliation with any products and do not endorse any products described here.


Worn on the body during the day or while asleep, wearables include watches, rings, headbands, masks, socks, pajamas, belts, skin patches, actigraphy and other sleep technologies. See Table 1. While most of the FDA-cleared wearables have the intended purpose for sleep apnea evaluation, a few have received FDA clearance for insomnia-related purposes (e.g., Owlet, ActiGraph LEAP, 2breathe-Sleep Inducer) or have applied for FDA status (e.g., Movano Evie Ring). Most monitor sleep times or sleep stages, providing users with increased awareness of their sleep and opportunities for change.

Some devices incorporate neurofeedback (e.g., Bia mask, URGOnight), or use ultra-low radio frequency energy to deliver magnetic signals at the cellular level (e.g., Hapbee Smart Wearable) to promote sleep. The SleepLoop headband claims to increase slow wave sleep by delivering “quiet sound” during deep sleep. SOLTEC Health System has a wrist wearable that collects data and transmits it to a nearable bedside device that provides coordinated personalized magnetic waves, which may improve deep sleep and REM sleep. Several headbands track sleep, while COVE headband delivers vibration to improve sleep and reduce stress. The Citizen CZ Smart hybrid smartwatch analyzes chronotypes and can anticipate patterns of fatigue and alertness. The 2breathe Sleep Inducer has a thoracic belt that monitors breathing patterns and encourages prolonged exhalation to lower sympathetic activity and blood pressure. EnLiSense’s Corti is a skin patch with sweat sensors that measure cortisol and melatonin in real time. However, many of the available products lack performance evidence supporting the product claims, or they lack descriptions of intended user populations, which are particularly important when using data derived through photoplethysmography (PPG) for diverse populations or those with comorbidities.

Wearable, acoustic sleep technologies, or “earables,” use sound to improve sleep quality, particularly for those with insomnia. They leverage auditory stimulation such as white noise, pink noise, binaural beats, and personalized soundscapes, to create a sleep-friendly environment. These sounds may mask disruptive noises, reduce anxiety, and synchronize brainwave activity to potentially promote relaxation and deeper sleep. Smart devices and apps are beginning to use machine-learning algorithms to monitor sleep stages, tailor soundscapes to individual sleep patterns, and adjust auditory stimuli in real time to optimize sleep quality.

Earables such as Cereset’s BrainEcho™utilize sensors to detect brain rhythms and mirror them back using musical tone to try and improve balance and reduce hyperarousal. In contrast, FRENZ Brainband utilizes a real-time, closed-loop feedback model that may promote sleep by adjusting the audio stimuli based on the user’s specific sleep stages and needs. The Amazfit earbuds and Philips Sleep Headphones + Kokoon app may improve sleep through noise masking, soothing sounds, and sleep monitoring.

Rings Oura Ring, Movano Evie Ring, RingConn,
Sleepon Go2sleep Ring, Ultrahuman Ring AIR
Wrist-Worn Devices Smartwatches (Apple, Fitbit, Galaxy, Garmin,
etc.), ActiGraph LEAP, WHOOP, AppySleep
Wristband, Citizen CZ Smartwatch, Fibion \
Sleep, Motionlogger/Sleepwatch 2.0,
ReadiBand, SOLTEC Health Systems
Patches Corti, x-trodes
Headbands/Headphones/EEG Cereset, FRENZ Brainband, Amazfit earbuds,
Philips Sleep Headphones + Kokoon app
Pediatric Specific Devices Owlet Smart Sock
Examples of Sleep Intervention Provided by Wearable Device
Audio Interventions Bia Smart Sleep Mask, Optalert Glasses, Sleep
Shepherd headband, SleepLoop, Muse
headband, URGOnight headband
Biofeedback (HR, RR, etc.) 2breathe Sleep Inducer
Energy Hapbee Smart Wearable
Visual Interventions Optalert glasses, URGOnight headband

Table 1: Examples of wearable devices and sleep interventions provided

Mobile apps

Basic sleep apps offer sleep tracking and may also claim to improve insomnia, anxiety, or stress. See Table 2. While there are many available digital CBT-I (dCBT-I) apps, the only FDA-cleared apps for insomnia are Somryst and SleepioRx. With a few exceptions (e.g., Headspace, Calm, Sleep Easy, doze, others), most apps lack studies demonstrating feasibility or performance efficacy. Insomnia apps may integrate information from mattresses, wearables, nearables or other health apps.

Simple sleep apps function as sleep diaries, helping users become aware of their sleep habits, and some offer standardized or customized suggestions to make improvements. Other apps include features such as soothing or appealing sounds, stories, guided imagery, meditation, or breathwork. SleepScore, Pillow, and Sleep Cycle are examples of apps that use a smartphone’s microphone and speaker to monitor breathing and movement and also to track sleep. Other apps interface with mattresses to track sleep (e.g., Sleeptracker-AI, SleepIQ). A few apps, such as Sleep as Android, include an alarm feature to awaken users during light or optimal sleep stages, while others have added features for children, teens and young adults (e.g., Calm). There are several apps for shift workers or to prevent jet lag. For those with disruptive dreams, DreamApp claims to provide interpretation and feedback based on published studies and more than 3 million collected dreams.

Mobile apps
Apps which incorporate
imagery, meditation, stories
or sounds
Calm, Headspace, Yours, Pzizz, Mindfulness, Sleep
Journey, Sleep With Me, mySleepButton, Sleep Cycle,
Noisli, Slumber, Ten Percent Happier, Moshi,
Sleepwave, Unplug Meditation, Unwind, White Noise
Deep Sleep Sounds, Sleep Easy, Loona, Morphee Zen,
Digipill, Sleepa, Sleep Genius, BetterSleep
Other sleep apps RISE Science, dayzz, and doze (provide
recommendations), Sleep as Android (has an alarm)
Dream Apps DreamApp
Apps for Jet Lag Chronoshift, Timeshifter, StopJetLag, Uplift
Apps for Shift Workers Arcashift, SleepSync, Sleepio, Timeshifter

Table 2: Examples of mobile applications to improve quality and duration of sleep


Sleep nearables are devices designed to monitor sleep without needing to be worn. Nearables can be considered in two categories: those incorporated into a bed and those by the bedside or in the room, which often use sound or radar to provide sleep metrics. Both primarily focus on tracking sleep metrics such as sleep times, sleep duration, sleep stages, and sleep disturbances. See Table 3.

Category Type Sensor Mechanism: Examples
Bedside Acoustic N/A Sound machines: Dekala Smart Arches,
Hatch Restore, Sound+SLEEP SE
Tracking Radar BodyCompass, Full Sleep by Koko
Lab, Sengled’s Smart Health
Monitoring Light, sleepiz one+,
SleepMinder, Vitalthings Somnofy
Environment altering N/A Ambient light: Luple Olly, Hatch Restore
In bed Pillows N/A Speakers: Puretone Sound Pillow, Aurras under pillow speaker
Bone Conduction: Dreampad
Sleep tracking BCG: most
BCG + microphone: Withings mat
Cubo AI pad, EightSleep, EMFIT, Rezet, Sleeptracker-AI (Sleep Number), SleepSpace, Tochtech
Temperature regulation Ambient temperature: Most
Temperature + BCG: EightSleep
Air convection: BedJet
Liquid: Chilipad, Cold Flash, EightSleep
Position/movement Microphone: Ergomotion, Motion Pillow, Snoo
Bed position/firmness: Ergomotion, Sleep Number, Motion Pillow
Rocking/bouncing: Cradlewise, Snoo, Somnomat

Table 3: Examples of nearable devices | Abbreviations: electroencephalogram (EEG); ballistocardiography (BCG)

Bedside nearables often incorporate features that aim to improve the sleep environment, such as alternating light intensity or providing soothing white noise (e.g., Hatch Restore). Sound+SLEEP SE is a nearable sound machine with 64 distinct sound profiles engineered to potentially promote deeper sleep, relaxation, and renewal. While these features can contribute to improved sleep quality, they may fall short in addressing specific sleep disorders, particularly insomnia. Among the numerous sleep nearables, one device is notable for including CBT-I based interventions by integrating sleep therapist access directly into their services: Full Sleep by Koko Labs.

A critical issue with most sleep nearables is the lack of peer-reviewed studies validating their performance efficacy. Few published studies focus on a device’s ability to track sleep, and scientific evidence supporting claims to enhance sleep is generally lacking.

The other type of nearables are products in bed that monitor movement or other physiology to determine sleep metrics or to provide interventions.

The Dreampad uses a vibrational sound system inside a pillow that is activated by a head resting on it; music is vibrationally conducted so it is only audible to the person touching the Dreampad. The Aurras under-pillow speaker and Puretone Sound Pillow use embedded stereos to play sound, music, and audiobooks. Clinical studies have shown promising results, indicating that acoustic sleep technology can significantly reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, increase total sleep duration, and improve overall sleep efficiency.

Sleep metrics can be approximated using BCG by measuring body movement, heart rate, respiratory rate, and calculating heart rate variability. Such technologies offer easy long-term monitoring but are subject to significant motion artifact. This technology is incorporated in under-the-mattress or pillow products like Fibion, EMFIT bed sensors, Withings sleep pad, and Cubo AI sleep sensor pad for crib mattresses. BCG sensors can also be built into mattress bases, as seen in Fullpower Technologies’ Sleeptracker (available in some Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, and Sealy beds), Sleep Number beds, and Dawn House Bed systems. The Toch Sleepsense pad monitors sleep when placed under a single bed leg.

BCG sensors can be coupled with other technologies to improve sleep, such as mattress cooling as offered with Eightsleep pod or Rezet mattress topper. Other technologies improve sleep or comfort through temperature, pressure, or sound/vibration modulation. Notable temperature-regulating products include BedJet, Chilipad, or moisture wicking sheets. Weighted blankets may significantly improve insomnia severity in those with mood disorders, with many options available based on weight and material.

Some products use calming vibrations with various frequencies to relax or comfort users. The Snoo bassinet slowly rocks infants while playing white noise when crying is detected. Similar rocking motions for adults are being explored by Somnomat. Some adjustable beds by Ergomotion vibrate to provide a massage. The Hapbee Smart Sleep Pad claims to create an electromagnetic field to promote deep sleep.

Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Devices

Explored since the early 1900s, brain electrical stimulation therapies are categorized as invasive deep brain stimulation or noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS). NIBS includes transcranial magnetic, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation (TES). TES is further divided into transcranial direct current, alternating current (tACS), random noise stimulation, and vagal nerve stimulation.

Clinically, most devices have been studied for psychiatric and neurological disorders. For insomnia, tACS is the most studied and available. tACS involves alternating sinusoidal current and polarity between two electrodes to modulate brain waves and potentially affect neurotransmitter or hormonal production. Devices differ in how tASC is delivered: electrical output (frequency, strength, duration, and timing), wave shape (symmetric or asymmetric square or sinusoidal shape variations), location (e.g., earclips, templar, mastoid, maxilla-occiput, or supraorbital headbands), potential brain target, and electrode type (saline, sponges, or gel). In addition to the heterogenicity of device deliveries, most studies are poorly designed with mixed results.

The first cranial electrical stimulation device was FDA cleared in 1978. In 2014, these devices were reclassified by the FDA as Class II (moderate risk) for treatment of insomnia or anxiety, and Class III (highest safety risk) for depression. Among these devices, Alpha-Stim devices stand out in terms of number of publications, clinical trials, and publicly available information for insomnia. However, most studies focus on anxiety, depression, and/or pain using several Alpha-Stim device versions in clinical trials. While adverse events are generally localized and mild, there is an active FDA recall for the Fisher Wallace Stimulator due to more serious adverse effects. See Table 4.

TES devices for insomnia General description Website claims
Alpha-Stim M and AID Alpha-Stim AID with earclips (worn 20-60 minutes initially, then 2-3 times weekly) reportedly treats insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Alpha-Stim M has additional Smart Probes or self-adhesive AS-Trodes to also treat acute or chronic pain. Indications, warning and precautions, contraindications (no pacemakers or ICDs), side/adverse effects, patient and provider guides and resources are posted on the website. Many clinical trials and papers using Alpha-Stim devices have been done over the years. After 5 treatments, the website claims that sleep time may increase 43 minutes, sleep quality is improved, it is preferred over common sleep drugs, and it may improve insomnia. It claims to work by applying a patented, low amplitude waveform to the brain via earclip electrodes that stimulate cranial nerves and modulate cortical oscillations in the temporal lobe.
Fisher Wallace Stimulator (Fisher Wallace Laboratories) This cranial electrical stimulator (CES) headband has been used for insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It was previously known as the LISS Cranial Stimulator, which was FDA cleared in 1990 to treat insomnia and/or anxiety, but it has a current FDA recall. When used twice daily for 20 minutes on level 2 (once after waking and once before bed), most users reportedly experience sleep time and anxiety benefits in 1-4 weeks.
Somnee headband Somnee, an electronic sleep aid headband, is worn for 15 minutes before bedtime. It uses its proprietary EEG+ technology to collect user EEG and personalize the tACS stimulation delivery. The companion app allows user interaction and monitoring for feedback to improve sleep cycles. It claims to improve sleep quality, decrease sleep latency and disruptions, and increase sleep times and refreshing sleep.
CES Ultra (Neuro-Fitness LLC) 2 earclip leads are attached to a handheld base. The protocol is for 30-60 minutes twice daily while awake for 30 days, and then 30 minutes before bedtime as needed. Most users reportedly note sleep improvements within the first 2-3 days. The website claims no side effects or major contraindications.
Modius Sleep (Neurovalens) Worn sitting for 30-60 minutes before bedtime, it is a prescription headset/ headband with wires over the mastoids that reportedly stimulates the vestibular nerve system to influence the hypothalamus, SCN, and orexin. Faster sleep latency, less wake time, improved sleep quality and daytime energy; may cause uneasy feelings that resolve

Table 4: Examples of transcranial electrical stimulation devices | Abbreviation: suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)


The integration of technology with therapy marks a significant advancement in sleep health and insomnia treatment. These products and devices may provide adjunct treatment or an alternative to CBT-I or hypnotic medications. Patient inquiries about sleep-related technologies can lead to deeper clinical discussions to improve their sleep or insomnia. Technologies can provide objective sleep data over time to complement subjective history and assist in identification of circadian or hygiene issues. However, many of the insomnia-related products’ claims lack rigorous, peer-reviewed evidence in diverse populations. Further, data output presentations often vary, and the many different technologies may offer opaque definitions of sleep data outputs such as product “sleep scores.” Additional caution is suggested with devices using PPG data collection and processing, which may be affected by skin tone, comorbidities, and other conditions. Without randomized clinical trials in diverse populations validating efficacy of particular devices, recommending specific insomnia products, as well as staying current on the ever-evolving novel and newer versions of existing technologies, remains clinically challenging. Yet, the potential benefits may offer interim or supplemental insomnia therapy options for patients.

For more information about specific sleep and insomnia-related technologies, please visit the AASM technology resource, #SleepTechnology, at


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  4. Food and Drug Administration. Neurological devices; reclassification of cranial electrotherapy stimulator devices intended to treat anxiety and/or insomnia; effective date of requirement for premarket approval for cranial electrotherapy stimulator devices intended to treat depression. Final amendment; final order. Document citation 84 FR 70003. Document number 2019-27295. Dec. 20, 2019. Accessed July 25, 2024.
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