Trademark Policy Overview
AASM Accredited Facility Member
If your facility is a fully accredited member of the AASM, you can download the AASM Accredited Facility Member logo via your member account page under the Membership Documents tab.
Authorized Use
Active Fully Accredited
- Must be an active fully accredited facility members of the AASM with a signed and approved trademark agreement.
Promo Material
- May be used on stationery, websites or other promotional material to promote that the facility is an accredited facility member of the AASM.
Custom Needs
- Please submit a draft of the design for custom signage and more to the AASM membership department for approval.
Authorized Use
Active Fully Accredited
- The AASM logo may be used by active fully accredited facility members of the AASM that have been granted permission to use the AASM logo. through completion and approval of a signed AASM Accredited Facility and HSAT Program Member Logo Use Agreement only.
Promo Material
- The AASM logo may be used on stationery, websites or other promotional material to promote that the facility is an accredited facility member of the AASM.
Custom Needs
- Given the potential cost of producing signage and other permanent fixtures, facilities that wish to include the AASM logo on such structures must submit a draft of the design to the AASM membership department for approval.
Unauthorized Use
An accredited facility that is not a member of the AASM
An accredited facility member that is provisionally accredited
A facility pending accreditation or membership
An individual member of the AASM
To imply that the AASM accepts responsibility for or endorses opinions of the user
To confuse or mislead a recipient into thinking a document, website, social networking profile or other promotional tool is from the AASM.
In the event that a facility is affiliated with a company or organization, it must be made clear that the facility, not the company or organization, is an accredited facility member of the AASM.
In the event that a facility/organization has more than one location, and not every location is a fully accredited facility member, any document(s), website(s) or promotional material for that facility that display the AASM logo must make clear which location(s) are fully accredited members of the AASM. View full details
In the event of withdrawal or expiration of membership or accreditation with the AASM, by the AASM or voluntarily by the facility, the facility shall immediately cease to publish and/or distribute all documents and/or signage carrying the AASM logo.
Improper Logo Usage
Do not crop the logo
- The AASM logo consists of three elements: a symbol, trademark symbol and the words “Accredited Facility Member”. These elements must be used together and may not be separated or altered in any way.
Do not skew the logo
- The AASM logo shall be displayed at a size large enough that all three elements are large enough to read.
- The original size of the AASM logo may be reduced or enlarged if necessary, provided that the original proportion between height and width (aspect ratio) is maintained.
Do not adjust colors of the logo
- The AASM logo shall be displayed only in the appropriate designated colors, black, or white
Utilize the black or white versions of the logo
- To maintain a clear identification, the AASM logo should appear proportionally isolated from other graphic elements. The AASM logo should not be reproduced on a strongly patterned background that would diminish its authenticity. The AASM logo must not be obscured by intersecting lines, rules, shadows, screens or other graphic features.
Improper Logo Usage
Do not skew the logo
- The AASM logo shall be displayed at a size large enough that both elements are large enough to read.
- The original size of the AASM logo may be reduced or enlarged if necessary, provided that the original proportion between height and width (aspect ratio) is maintained.
Do not adjust colors of the logo
- The AASM logo shall be displayed only in the appropriate designated colors, black, or white
Do not crop the logo
- The AASM logo consists of two elements: a mark and the words “Accredited Facility Member” or “Accredited HSAT Program Member.” These elements must be used together and may not be separated or altered in any way.
Utilize the black or white versions of the logo
- To maintain a clear identification, the AASM logo should appear proportionally isolated from other graphic elements. The AASM logo should not be reproduced on a strongly patterned background that would diminish its authenticity. The AASM logo must not be obscured by intersecting lines, rules, shadows, screens or other graphic features.
General Terms
If it is found that any individual or organization is using the AASM logo, or any other version or likeness of this logo, in any way other than as stated in this policy, that person/organization is in violation of trademark law. A warning will be given if a violator is found misrepresenting themselves through use of the AASM logo. If the same violator continues to misrepresent themselves, they will risk losing their accreditation and/or membership status. Violators are also subject to a fine of $1000 per offense.