Sleep Grand Rounds: Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Hypersomnolence


Speaker: David Plante, MD, PhD This grand rounds series will feature AASM Foundation-funded work related to improving patient care and sleep health awareness. Learners should attend the seminar series to understand practice and sleep health gaps, and how the AASM Foundation-funded work addressed [...]

Sleep Research Career Pathways in Professional Societies: A Panel Discussion


The webinar series features the different career pathways of diverse and successful sleep researchers in the sleep science enterprise. This quarter’s webinar exposes early career investigators, trainees, and students to different sleep research leadership positions in professional societies. Featured Speakers: Nisha Aurora, MD, [...]

Early Career Physician Assembly and Choose Sleep Meeting


Join us for a networking event to build community with other fellows and early career physicians. This open meeting provides a space for you to share insights, ask questions, and voice on topics of interest. We invite all members and non-members with a [...]

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