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We are excited to invite you to participate in Discussion Groups, hosted by the AASM’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee, where we aim to foster open dialogue and collaboration in creating a more inclusive environment within our organization. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable as we strive to enhance diversity and equity within the AASM. 

Together, let’s cultivate a culture that celebrates diversity and ensures equitable opportunities for all. We look forward to your meaningful contributions.  

Group Date Time
For new/single parents and those supporting people with disabilities
Thursday, May 2 6:00 pm EST
Persons with disabilities
For individuals who experience disabilities, including visual, mobility, etc.
Friday, May 3 2:00 pm EST
Students and Residents
For medical school students and residents.
Friday, May 10 2:00 pm EST
LGBTQ+ community
For individuals who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Monday, May 13 2:00 pm EST

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