Implicit Bias & Microaggressions in Medicine: A Fireside Chat with Carl Lambert, MD
1 Hour Session – CME and CEC credit available
The AASM’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee presents a free webinar, which will be a “fireside chat” featuring Dr. Carl Lambert, family medicine at Rush University Medical Center, and moderator J. Mori Johnson, AMA ambassador. During this engaging discussion, Dr. Lambert will be interviewed by J. Mori Johnson to illustrate how implicit bias and microaggressions in medicine can thwart your organization’s diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts. Dr. Lambert and Ms. Johnson will share their personal experiences with microaggressions and describe how microaggressions can be addressed by the target and by bystanders. Dr. Lambert will explain the emotional, physical, organizational, and cultural effects of unaddressed microaggressions. Two short videos also will be shown to underscore the importance of addressing microaggressions and bias in medicine.