Join representatives from the AASM, American Academy of Neurology (AAN), American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) and American Thoracic Society (ATS) for a live panel discussion about the PAP device recall notification issued June 14 by Philips. Panelists will discuss how they are adjusting sleep center operations and ensuring patient safety in response to the recall. No registration is required for this live webinar. Following the live event, a recording will be posted online.
Download a PDF copy of the webinar slides. During the webinar, a potential algorithm for patient assessment was presented and discussed. Following the webinar, the panelists revised the algorithm, which you can download as a SAMPLE patient assessment tool (updated 6/21/21).
Shannon Sullivan, MD, chair of the AASM Public Safety Committee
Najib Ayas, MD, MPH, CSS/CTS representative
Sara Benjamin, MD, AAN representative
Martha Billings, MD, ATS representative
Peter Gay, MD, CHEST representative
Brittany Meyer, MD, AASM representative
M. Adeel Rishi, MD, vice chair of the AASM Public Safety Committee